Build the authentic 3-storey Town Hall! This highly detailed model features large entranceway columns, a coat of arms, a tall bell tower with clock and a large skylight that lets you see inside! On the ground floor, the large hall, tax office and auditorium have everything you need to run the town. Take the working elevator up to the secretary and mayor’s offices on the second floor, realistically furnished with desks, chairs, paintings and even a frog sculpture. Hold a meeting and address the town’s citizens at the podium! On the third floor, a spacious meeting room features a large conference table, chairs, globe and plants. Includes 8 minifigures: mayor, secretary, bride and groom, press woman, janitor and 2 children.
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Totaal | Voorraad | |
$ 1064.49 | $ 1064.49 (€ 981.46) | Bezoeken | ||
Winkel | Prijs | Voorraad | |
$ 1064.49 | Bezoeken | |
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